website and onlineshop - realization of the design of sigrid fellner-haferl
wordpress, generatepress, generateblocks, woocommerce
haas lebensmittel gmbh
nöm gast - the fresh food specialist - supplies sustainably produced food products that are controlled according to the strictest quality criteria to bakeries, ice cream parlors, hospitals and nursing homes, coffee houses, system and top gastronomy on a daily basis.
nöm gast is a 100% subsidiary of nöm.
for nöm gast we have created the fresh, modern design of sigrid fellner-haferl and thus created an informative and clearly laid out store that conveys the philosophy and quality standards of nöm gast.
goal: to develop a user-friendly and clearly structured store so that visitors can quickly find all the information they need and ultimately place an order in the store.
the old site was set up on a system that was difficult to use and could not be properly maintained by either our own employees or the agency in charge.
the new website was developed using wordpress, a widely used and easy-to-use cms (content management system).
goal: google performance metrics (Core web vitals).
technically outdated, the old website could not meet the current performance and usability requirements (core web vitals).
selection of development tools according to performance aspects, among others. a lean installation, only the most necessary plug-ins, partly own snippets.
the entire development process under constant performance control.
style tile
clear, fresh design by sigrid fellner-haferl
headlines: freehand_575
paragraph: josefin sans
sigrid fellner-haferl
in conversation
where were you before we started working together?
We were faced with the challenge that the website was based on a system that was difficult to use and that we lacked the technical know-how to maintain it with a clear conscience. We were missing a lot of information that we had painstakingly gathered together
Why did you choose us?
I was looking for an agency for the technical implementation of the website and the online store. Layout and text are in good hands with our agency, as are project management and contact with the customer. I knew that you were the experts for Wordpress solutions and had known you personally for some time. It was obvious that all we needed was the right project for us to work together.
what do you like most about our collaboration and what are the biggest advantages for you?
For me, it has to be uncomplicated. Short communication channels, no long discussions, a hands-on mentality - these are the qualities that set me apart and these are exactly what I look for in my cooperation partners. Sought and found! The proximity of the locations of our two agencies is also an advantage, because nothing can replace a face-to-face meeting, even in times of digitalization. Or is that precisely why?
what is the most important thing you think other clients should know about working with us?
The specialization in SEO is particularly noteworthy. A happy medium must always be found - great graphics are not everything, it also has to "work". The pages have to load quickly and you also want to be found on Google. You have always kept an eye on this and pointed it out when necessary.
is there anything else you would like to say about our collaboration?
Just one thing: I look forward to many more joint projects!