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always informed! we advise and support you with your digital challenges

barrierefreiheit im web – jetzt wird’s ernst für kmu in österreich und deutschland
das thema barrierefreiheit im web betrifft ab juni 2025 einen großteil der unternehmen in österreich …

How to make your website accessible for the visually impaired: Tips & Tools
Would you like to make your website more accessible for visually impaired users? In this article you will learn how to ...

10 basic principles for accessible web design: How to reach all users!
Accessibility is fundamental to inclusive web design. This guide takes you through the "10 basic principles ...

Accessibility on the web: The most important laws and regulations at a glance
Digital accessibility is regulated by law and affects all website operators. This article is about ...

What is accessible web design and why is it important? - An essential guide for all web designers.
What is accessible web design and why is it important? Accessible web design is essential to make the ...

accessible websites for SMEs in austria
the subject of accessibility on the web/internet is still a book with ...

accessibility audit process
in brief: below we provide a structured overview of the process of an accessibility audit with ...

SME Digital 4.0 - new budget round starts at the beginning of april
we have just received notification that the new budget round will start at the beginning of april 2022. ...

page experience and web vitals - new tasks for google
there is something new from google in two respects. on the one hand, page experience is a ...

01.10.2019 - New ECJ ruling on cookies
UPDATE: New ruling on cookies - active consent is mandatory The ECJ is already dealing with ...

Search engine placement, only top 10 counts
Search engine rankings in the top 10 - Why is this so important? Some websites are successful. ...

what is cornerstone content - and why do you need it?
There are many ways and means in the field of content marketing. Among others, the strategy of the Cornerstone ...

Blog posts 2019, the optimal length and structure
Writing a blog article is not really complicated. However, it is more difficult to write texts for a ...

3 simple checks to recognize a good digital agency
If the website needs to be revised or newly created, the question of ...

Local competitive advantages for SMEs through content marketing
How to become locally competitive through content marketing. The possibilities for marketing digital content locally are ...

The five best ways to increase your visitor numbers
It doesn't matter how much time you invest in creating the perfect website, ...

SEO made easy - instructions for beginners
WHY HAVE WE WRITTEN THIS GUIDE? SEO (Search Engine Optimization = optimization of search engine results) is ...

8 content marketing tips - success in 2018
8 content marketing tips to be successful in 2018. There is a consensus that the creation of high-quality ...

SEO - the difference between success and failure
In the SEO world, the difference between failure and success is usually very small. It happens ...

Web design and SEO - a strong relationship
Good web design has many benefits and is crucial for any business operating in the digital ...

6 tips for creating good content
Content marketing has been around for ages, but it is now considered the most essential factor for ...