What are links?
A link serves as a connecting element between two websites. Links are also known as hyperlinks in the field of SEO. However, a hyperlink should not be confused with a backlink. A hyperlink is a link that leads from an optimized page to another website. Backlinks, on the other hand, lead from another page to your own web project.
What does the link mean for SEO?
Hyperlinks are very important for search engine optimization. Currently, inbound links are important for a good ranking. However, the links should be created naturally so that they are really classified as high quality by Google. Websites without backlinks have less chance of achieving a good ranking. In addition, it may take quite a long time for the crawlers to become aware of the page.
However, links are becoming less and less important in the Google algorithm. The search engine operator wants to focus more on semantic search, so that websites are only analyzed and evaluated on the basis of language and text analysis. However, it may be some time before links completely lose their importance in terms of ranking. For search engine optimizers, this means continuing to search for good and suitable link partners in order to achieve a good position in the search results lists.