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What are iFrames?

iFrames are HTML objects that are integrated into a fixed and predefined frame on a website. Typical iFrames, which are also known as inline frames, include advertising banners or video clips. With HTML5, iFrames also work and can even be configured.

What significance do iFrames have for SEO?

Many search engine optimizers prefer not to use many iFrames. In practice, they bring with them several sources of error. Some browsers and content management systems cannot display iFrame elements as desired. Usability and accessibility, also known as accessibility, would suffer greatly in such a case. For this reason, users could leave the website prematurely and bounce. A high bounce rate has a negative effect on the ranking.

Likewise, iFrames are not ideal for crawlers. Googlebots do not recognize the content of an iFrame element when crawling. Instead, they only follow the links contained on the page to the source page.

Sometimes iFrames are not loaded at all. This can happen, for example, if a browser add-on has been installed. This add-on can be the cause if iFrame content cannot be loaded and displayed.

These elements are less advantageous for a website from various perspectives. Of course, website owners do not need to completely do without such elements. However, iFrames should not be used in large quantities on the website.