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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is a company blog?

A company blog is also known as a corporate blog. It is also known as a corporate blog. As the name suggests, this is a company blog. A blog can contain general information, news reports and marketing articles. A company blog is a cost-effective information and marketing platform that is intended to draw users' attention to the company.

What significance does a company blog have for SEO?

Company blogs also have a major impact on SEO. Blog posts should be interesting and be found quickly by users. A blog post that ends up at position 100 in the search results list is usually not found at all. With a well-positioned blog that is optimally structured and offers relevant and interesting content, the reach can be significantly improved. If blog posts are interesting for users, they will linger on the page, possibly find out about other things or even place an order or sign up for the newsletter.

All of this has a positive effect on search engine rankings. Google considers it a good signal when users stay on a page for a long time and, in the best case, contribute to a conversion. However, if the bounce rate is quite high, it is classified as negative, which can contribute to a poorer ranking of a website.