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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is the term frequency?

Term frequency is the frequency of a word or term that occurs in a document. It is also abbreviated as TF. The term frequency indicates how important a term is within a document. The term frequency is required to calculate the keyword density.

What does term frequency mean for SEO?

Due to the fact that Google does not want to be seen in the cards with regard to indexing, there is always speculation and experimentation. Experts assume that the term frequency also plays an important role with regard to indexing. This is why many search engine optimizers determine the value of the websites to be processed. They want to provide search engines and, of course, users with relevant and interesting content for certain keywords and terms.

Many factors play a role in achieving a good ranking with Google. In addition to term frequency, these include a good website structure, high-quality backlinks and proper content. The length of stay, traffic and bounce rates are also taken into account and have an impact on the ranking. The ranking therefore depends not only on one factor, but on many things. That's why a holistic concept is necessary and makes sense in order to perform well and preferably end up among the top 3 in the search results list.