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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is the search query?

Users who are looking for certain things on the Internet use the search engine. They enter certain terms or search phrases as search queries and receive matching results. The organic search results are listed below the paid ads.

What significance do search queries have for SEO?

Search engine optimization first came about as a result of search queries. Search queries are therefore particularly important in this area. Most users use the internet and search queries to obtain relevant information on a specific area. It is important for website operators to appear at the top of search queries on Google or other search engines. In most cases, experience shows that only the pages that appear on the first page of the search results list are clicked on. Websites listed further back are almost invisible to users.

The task for SEOs is to first put themselves in the customer's shoes in order to find out the relevant search queries. The website is then optimized based on the search terms (keywords). Content is adapted and meta tags are revised. Relevant and interesting content that provides users with the exact answers to their search query contributes to success. Users stay longer on the website and may even trigger a conversion. A high dwell time is important for a good ranking. However, if the bounce rate is high, this point has a negative effect on the ranking.