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spezifische keywords

seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What are specific keywords?

Long-tail keywords are specific search phrases. These search phrases are also referred to as specific keywords. Keywords of this type are made up of several terms and can even represent complete sentences. It should be noted that, in contrast to short-tail keywords, these keyword combinations are associated with a lower search volume.

What significance do specific keywords have for SEO?

Specific keywords are very important in SEO. It is conceivable that the competition for the specific keywords will be lower. This can lead to sustainable success. However, due to the numerous possible combinations, it is difficult to commit to a specific keyword. When optimizing, it would make more sense to include a broad range on the topic in the content in order to answer users' most important questions about the area.

Each page of a project is optimized individually. It is therefore not uncommon for some pages to be optimized for short tails and other websites for long tails. Relevant content with a lot of added value, a good structure and visual elements are generally very important to attract users' attention and keep them on the site. SEOs have the task of tailoring websites to the search phrases in such a way that users stay on the page for a long time and perhaps even trigger a conversion.