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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is the ranking factor?

Ranking factors determine the website placement in the search engine results list. The ranking factor is therefore a property that has a significant effect on the ranking. Google uses several hundred ranking factors to determine the relevance of a website for a search query. The ranking factor is also known as a ranking signal.

What significance does the ranking factor have for SEO?

The task of search engine optimizers is to design and optimize a website so that it ranks as high as possible in the search engines. Websites must be visible in order to be successful. If websites only appear on page 2 in the search results lists, they are hardly visible to users. Experience has shown that users only look for results on the first page.

SEO specialists should know about the most important ranking factors. However, knowledge is not the only decisive factor for success. The knowledge must be implemented in on-page and off-page optimization. Some important ranking factors include

  • unique content
  • well-structured content
  • technically flawlessly implemented website
  • Meaningful meta titles
  • high-quality backlinks
  • Performance

There are so many measures that can have an impact on the ranking. However, if all the factors are implemented, this does not necessarily mean that the website will actually end up in the top positions. There are other individual factors that determine the ranking. These include user location and search history.