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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is performance optimization?

Performance optimization refers to measures aimed at improving the loading speed of the website. This includes optimizing the computing power of a server so that the data is transmitted and displayed more quickly from the server to the client.

What is the importance of performance optimization for SEO?

Page speed is one of the ranking factors for a good search engine ranking. From an SEO perspective, a fast-loading page is essential. In addition, users who have to wait a long time for a website to load usually leave the website very quickly.

In most cases, it is only milliseconds that have a negative effect. This is why search engine optimizers must also keep an eye on page speed and tackle performance optimization when necessary.

When is performance optimization necessary?

If a site is too slow and people keep bouncing quickly, webmasters and SEO specialists should check its performance. SEOs generally use tools with which they can evaluate and compare competitor sites. Google offers the Insights tool for this purpose. The tool is used to enter a URL. This page is then checked for speed. If the website is too slow, there are suggestions for performance optimization.