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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is link buying?

Link buying is intended to obtain links from external websites and increase link popularity. This variant is not part of natural link building. Instead, it is an artificial variant. Link builders intervene directly in link building.

What significance does link buying have for SEO?

Good external links are necessary for a good position in the search results list. This is why many people resort to buying links. Especially for small companies and start-ups, buying links is the only way to increase link popularity and achieve a better ranking. Link buying is also used because many keywords are highly frequented.

SEOs must ensure that good links are created. For Google, natural link building is of great importance. According to Google, this is possible through up-to-date news and high-quality content. If these factors result in good links, this is natural link building and indicates a high-quality website.

How does Google react to link buying?

If Google detects a link purchase, the website is usually penalized. This results in a lower ranking. Nevertheless, link builders continue to use link buying to perform better on Google. It must be carefully considered and the links must be designed in such a way that they are not recognizable as purchased links.