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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What are real-time reports?

Real-time reports are reports that contain information about a website without a time delay. These reports contain information about the activities that take place on the website. Among other things, it is possible to obtain real-time reports with Google Analytics.

What significance do real-time reports have for SEO?

Real-time reports make it possible for SEOs to see how optimization measures affect user behavior. This is now possible directly. Some time ago, there was only a report on behavior the following day.

Thanks to the real-time reports, SEOs can always keep an eye on the effects and correct or completely reverse them if necessary. Real-time reports are therefore important tools for monitoring the success of search engine optimization.

Thanks to the real-time reports, webmasters can see how many users are visiting a website. They can also see which subpages users are visiting and what activities they are carrying out there. Important key figures are conversions, content, location and visitor sources.

If you want to react quickly to developments on a website, real-time reports are unavoidable. Real-time reports are particularly interesting and relevant for news pages, as they show how users react to the news created. Webmasters can discover which reports work well and which articles are less interesting. Now it would be possible to place highly frequented articles higher up in order to reach even more users and become more successful with the website.