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content optimierung

seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is content optimization?

Content optimization includes all methods for optimizing the content of a website for search engines. The aim of content optimization is to improve the ranking of a website. It is an on-page optimization measure.

What is the importance of content optimization for SEO?

Content optimization belongs to the field of search engine optimization. Search engine optimizers have the task of adapting and optimizing websites so that they contribute to a good ranking. In the area of content optimization, structure and content are very important. The content must have a lot of added value and be interesting for users. Users love simple operation and a good structure so that they can quickly find the content they are looking for. Above all, the content must also be up-to-date. If there is news on a certain topic, a post should preferably be created quickly.

Webmasters always need fresh texts that are, above all, unique. If texts already exist on the site and do not rank particularly well, the content should be adapted. Link building is also relevant in order to perform better in the search engine.

What does relevant content look like?

First of all, it is important to define the target group. Appropriate keywords must be selected using keyword tools and the content adapted or created. A comparison with competitors is also essential in order to be more successful than the competition.