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bad neighbourhoods

seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What are bad neighborhoods?

Bad neighborhoods are "bad neighbors" of a website. Such neighbors violate the guidelines of Google and other search engines. They may even have already been penalized. Bad neighborhoods are when links lead to the bad page or links from these websites lead to your own page.

What significance do bad neighborhoods have for SEO?

It is important for SEOs to discover bad neighborhoods and take action. This is why it is important to always keep an eye on and analyze the backlink profile. High-quality links are necessary to achieve a good ranking. Webmasters should therefore pay attention to which websites are linked to. Is the linked site trustworthy? Does the provider violate the guidelines or is everything in order? Webmasters and SEOs should ask themselves questions like these.

If you enter into a "bad neighborhood", you must expect your own website to lose ranking. Your website may even be completely removed from the index. Websites that do not appear in the index should not be linked to. It is possible that this very page has already been penalized. Incidentally, there are extra link checkers that can be used to check the links. This is a practical tool and should be used regularly.