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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is the bounce rate?

The bounce rate is also known as the bounce rate. It provides information about visitors who only started a page view once and left the page again without taking any action.

What does the bounce rate mean for SEO?

The bounce rate is an important indicator for search engine optimizers. They use this figure to determine how successful a website is.

A high bounce rate is negative for the ranking in the SERPs. Google also evaluates the bounce rate with regard to the ranking. If it is high, this shows that the website is not relevant to the search query for users or that other factors are not right. SEOs must therefore try to solve the problem of a high bounce rate.

First of all, SEOs need to find out why the bounce rate is so high. Possible causes for a high bounce rate are:

  • Content without added value
  • Performance is not right (loading times too long)
  • Unfavorable website structure
  • Poor page design
  • Single page without bottom side

Optimization measures only make sense once the cause has been found. If the problems have been rectified, the bounce rate should also decrease. As soon as the dwell time is longer, Google recognizes this as a positive signal and may rank a page higher.

SEOs should always keep an eye on the bounce rate. If there are negative changes in user behavior, the effect should be counteracted.