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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is USP?

USP is the abbreviation for Unique Selling Point. The term belongs to the field of marketing and refers to a unique selling point of a product or brand that sets it apart from all other offers on the market.

What does USP mean for SEO?

Before search engine optimization can begin, the exact goal should be defined. The set goal is the basis for the SEO strategy. In a consultation, SEO specialists ask customers what they want to achieve. The answer is usually that the website owners want to get to the top of Google and increase traffic. However, the marketing function should also be highlighted. The USP is important here. Website owners and optimizers must answer the following questions:

  • What are the special features of the website in question?
  • What are the differences to competitor sites?

It is also a good idea to ask employees or customers of a company to find out about its advantages and unique selling points. Based on this, appropriate SEO strategies can be developed that promise success.

What are the benefits of USPs? Practical examples at a glance

If a pizza delivery service repeatedly receives positive feedback from customers that the delivery service always delivers the fastest, such an opinion could be incorporated into the website optimization. Perhaps there is also a rating platform with customer opinions that could be integrated into your own website.

Perhaps it is a craft business that provides a very specific service that no other company offers. In this case, the optimizer could start at precisely this point and optimize the page accordingly.

There is certainly a unique selling point for every company, so the marketing strategy can be designed accordingly. A good strategy also has a positive effect on the ranking.