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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is semantics?

Semantics is also referred to as the theory of meaning, which deals with the relationship between signs and their meaning. A distinction is made between the main forms of sign systems, onomasiology and languages. In the context of semantic searches, the main form is linguistics.

What does semantics mean for SEO?

Semantics play a very important role in SEO. Categorization of information, interpretation and delivery on the Internet are relevant. Thanks to semantic analysis, the search engine determines the website content that matches a search query. It is now important in search engine optimization:

  • Add relevant terms or phrases to texts
  • Identify relevant cooperation partners (that fit the topic) for link building

Content creation and optimization according to WDI IDF is relevant here. The advantage here is that the number of keywords is even less decisive for search engine rankings. When a search query is launched, not only certain keywords are looked at. An entire meaning space is examined. Semantic analyses contribute to the improvement of search engines and offer users even more relevant content.

Search engine optimizers must therefore not only focus the text on very specific keywords, but also look at the whole and improve it accordingly. Above all, search engines should also recognize complex user questions, so that semantics play an increasingly important role.