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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is a robots meta tag?

Robots meta tags are tags that are important for search engines. They represent instructions for spiders. The instructions specify whether crawlers may include the page in the index and whether linked pages may be followed. The robots meta tags can also be used to specify whether snippets are desired and whether a copy should be made in the Google cache.

What significance do robots meta tags have for SEO?

Due to the fact that various instructions can be given to the crawlers, the robots meta tags are important elements for search engine optimization. Webmasters or search engine optimizers can prevent unfinished websites or pages with duplicate content from being included in the index. The instructions can counteract a poorer ranking or a penalty.

Webmasters can use the robots instructions to directly influence the crawling behavior of search engines. If a website is to be fully indexed and the links followed, webmasters simply enter the corresponding instructions and send the sitemap link to Google Robots. As a result, crawlers visit the page after a short time and pick up new content.

There are also pages on a website that do not necessarily have to be included in the index. An imprint, for example, does not necessarily have to be included in the index. Other pages, however, are important and should definitely appear high up in the SERPs.