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link checker

seo glossary from digital now gmbh

A program that checks hyperlinks on a website is called a link checker. Both incoming and outgoing or even broken links can be detected with the link checker. Good programs provide a clear report. Such programs are already included in common SEO tools.

Proper link building is part of on-page optimization. However, it is also important to keep an eye on the various links. A regular check is unavoidable. Defective links can have a negative impact on search engine rankings. It is also important for crawling by the spiders that the existing links are well maintained and always produce results.

If SEOs use a link checker, they save a lot of time as they do not have to analyze and evaluate manually. The program can also be used to identify bad neighborhoods. Dubious links have a negative effect on your own ranking, which is why something should be done quickly against these links.

Link building in particular has become more demanding. Years ago, many links had an impact on the ranking. Links were bought and exchanged, regardless of whether they matched the topic. Nowadays, high-quality links are necessary to perform better. If websites have links that are completely unrelated to the topic, this could contribute to a drop in the SERPs.