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keyword density

seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is keyword density?

Keyword density is also referred to as keyword density. It is an indication of how often a keyword occurs in a document. The keyword density is calculated from the total number of words and the keyword frequency. If a certain keyword occurs twice in a text with a total of 100 words, the keyword density is two percent.

What significance does keyword density have for SEO?

In the early days of the internet, keyword density was an important criterion for search engine rankings. Nowadays, however, this is no longer the case, as much has changed in terms of relevance criteria. Google has classified keyword density as less relevant due to the accumulation of keys as spam.

Many website operators have inserted certain keywords particularly frequently in the text in order to rank better. Of course, this has also had an impact on readability. According to the Webmaster Guidelines, keyword stuffing is prohibited. Websites with a keyword density that is too high are downgraded in the rankings. SEOs must always take care not to overuse keys in their optimization measures.

How high should the keyword density in the content be?

There is no consensus on how high the optimal keyword density should be. Some people think that the value should be between 5 and 8 percent. Other specialists believe from their own experience that a much lower value is better.

One thing is certain, when it comes to content optimization, a topic-relevant text with a lot of added value is much more important than the accumulation of keywords. If the content is informative and interesting, the dwell time is longer and the bounce rate is lower. These are positive signals for Google that help to achieve a better ranking. Keyword density should not be completely ignored. The most important keys should be included in order to be relevant for the search engine.