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seo glossary from digital now gmbh

What is a click?

A click is a term that is used in many areas. For example, it can be a click with the mouse to open a certain program. Clicks are also used on the Internet. The Internet does not work without clicks. Users enter a search term in the browser and click on "Search". Suitable websites are then listed, which can be opened with a click. Clicks are also used to determine the popularity of a website.

What significance do clicks have for SEO?

The popularity of a website is particularly relevant for SEO. The popularity of a page can be measured with clicks. This is the only way for search engine optimizers to derive how well a link is received by users.

But how does such a measurement work? Every time a link is opened (every click, so to speak) is recorded in the background. There are then statistics on how many users have visited the page.

The main goal of website operators is to encourage as many users as possible to click, which then triggers a conversion. However, in order for users to click on a website at all, it must first be visible in the search results lists. SEOs must therefore take optimization measures to bring a website to the top. If a website is listed in the top positions on Google, the chances of many clicks and conversions are very good.